Physical basis for obtaining nanocrystals.
A detailed consideration of the possible applications of nanocrystals (quantum dots) in biomedicine, for the creation of solar cells and photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, temperature sensors, chemical gas sensors on their basis.
Features of self-assembly and ordering of nanocrystals and polymer nanocomposites.
We are announcing enrollment for the educational and practical course "Open Space" for students in grades 10-11 of secondary schools
MEPhI invites you to take part in the Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical and Technical Intelligent Systems" (FTIS-2022), which will be held from 08-10 February 2022.
Our higher school organizes the XXIII All-Russian Youth Conference on Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures, Semiconductor Opto- and Nanoelectronics (link), which will be held in St. Petersburg from 22 to 26 November 2021.
SPIE & OSA student cell of SPbPU in optics and photonics, together with cells of other universities of St. anniversary of the birth of A.D. Sakharov.