Five winners of the Olympiad "Opendoors" - our future postgraduate students

30 Марта 2022
Five winners of the Olympiad

The international Olympiad "Opendoors" for applicants for master's and postgraduate studies has recently ended. The Olympics brought together participants from all over the world.

The organizing universities were St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Tomsk University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and other Russian universities that are interested in talented young scientists. Traditionally, the Olympiad is divided into profiles. Associate professors of our Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Pavel Gabdullin and Olga Kvashenkina acted as potential supervisors of the profiles "Physical Sciences" and "Engineering and Technology". The best of the best who coped with the Olympiad tasks were interviewed by them. As a result of the competition, five people are planned to be enrolled in the graduate school of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, and Olga Kvashenkina and Pavel Gabdulin became their supervisors. Among the winners is Mehdi Basat Panah, a student from Iran. He plans to work on projects of modern energy technologies that will reduce the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. He, among other things, researched hydrogen compounds as a replacement for classical fuels, and plans to improve his theoretical and practical knowledge in graduate school. Alvardat Mohammed, a student from Jordan, is now completing his master's degree at Tambov State University. The topic of his thesis is "Improving the quality and harmonic compensation of the power supply system using an active energy filter for non-linear loads." Therefore, postgraduate study in the field of electronics is a logical continuation of his studies. “Such events allow not only to select the most motivated and promising young scientists, but also to develop international cooperation, popularize our scientific and educational ideas abroad. “We have a strong scientific school with rich traditions and achievements, and we have something to share,” says Pavel Gabdullin, Associate Professor of All-Union Institute of Physics and Technology, IE&T.