Ous scientists took part in IVEC 2023

4 May 2023
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On April 25-28, the 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference took place at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu, Sichuan, China). At this event, representatives of the VIFS made oral presentations. Luksha Oleg Igorevich presented the report "Effect of Cathode Surface Roughness on Quality of Electron Beam in A Gyrotron Electron Optical System", devoted to studying the effect of roughness on the quality of an electron beam when using a lanthanum hexaboride cathode in a 74.2 GHz gyrotron with a power of 100 kW.

Taradaev Evgeny presented the report "Resistant to Ion Bombardment Field Emitters of A New Type and Features of Electron Flows Formed by Electron-Optical Systems with Such Emitters" in which he spoke about promising field emitters developed at SPBPU for use in subterahertz spectroscopic gyrotrons and touched the question of the features of the electron beam formed by electron-optical systems with such emitters.